More linkies to my Soundcloud. Singularity was a project set by the Disquiet Junto group to create a palindromic drone using no more than 5 samples from a selection of 20.
I took a didgeridoo sample and ran it through Paulstretch with a sliding, slowly accelerating stretch. It was mixed with copies with various internal effects applied such as pitch mixing and filtering.
On a side note Paulstretch is an amazing piece of software. I love it! It’s fascinating how slowing audio down to extreme levels produces some beautiful sounds and serendipitous sonic artefacts.
The resulting drone was overlaid with a bottle sample, raised an octave and run through a wah wah effect and a slide whistle sample lowered an octave. The project set a 5 day time limit which was a good incentive
to cobble something together without getting overly anal about tweaking and editing.

Disease Vector was a little doodle created by running a sample of a Reaktor synth through Hourglass, a granular synth. This is a interesting piece of freeware which warps your audio into crunchier new textures
(I find it a damn sight more usable than Sirenaudios Generative granular effect). The bass noises were a thumbjam bass guitar line undergoing extreme stretching and the drums came from the ims-20 iPad app.